新关注 > 信息聚合 > 水墨写江湖 《倚天屠龙记》手游概念原画曝光

水墨写江湖 《倚天屠龙记》手游概念原画曝光

Ink writing arena "Dragon Saber Yitian" hand tour of the concept of the original painting exposure

2015-08-28 13:13:17来源: 4399


palm affective blending, accompany you Yitian dragon slaying. Jin Yong's genuine 3dmmo martial arts big hand travel peak as "Dragon Saber Yitian" a continuation of the original classic, let precipitation is quite deep, rich and delicate text art out of the book, aboard a mobile platform, for players to present a piece of righteous big martial arts arena. The Dragon Sword Ji tour through perfect research since the third generation engine era production, gorgeous movie level picture of the performance of the frame and elegant details. Today, "Yitian Tulong Ji"...

标签: 手游