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夜影龙魂 赛尔号索兰特究极超进化

Night shadow Dragonsoul Saier number Solant ultimate super evolution

2015-07-17 10:05:44来源: 4399

夜影龙魂!索兰特究极超进化!夜影魔龙,龙魂蜕变!索兰特完成超进化!夜魔之力更加庞大!凝聚黑暗的绝对力量,在黑夜中绽放最强大的光辉!青眼邪龙索西斯,究极诞生! 活动时间:7月17日开启 活动奖励:索西斯 该攻略是本周更新的预告内容,详细攻略将在周五更新后补充,届时请大家按F5刷新查看。

night shadow Dragonsoul! Cable Rand ultimate super evolution! Night shadow dragon, Dragonsoul disintegration. Sorrento over evolution. More massive daredevil! Condensing dark absolute power. In the night blooming the most powerful light! Green eyes long sorces, the birth of the ultimate! Time: July 17 open Activity Award: Raiders the sorces is this week's update notice of the contents, detailed Raiders in Friday the updated supplement, then please press F5 to refresh the view.