新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《主公我要吃》感恩“双节”节:爸爸你也来吃吗?


"Lord I want to eat" thanksgiving "double festival": dad you have to eat?

2015-06-19 11:43:24来源: 不凡游戏网

今年,端午节“巧遇”父亲节,让往年不温不火的父亲节也热闹了一把。大家趁着端午假期,回家好好地陪自己的父亲过个节,感恩他这几十年来的照顾,表表孝心!广州明朝《主公我要吃》在此也祝愿各位玩家、各位爸爸们双节快乐,团团圆圆! 其实,小编也接触了不少长辈,了解到他们已经无法跟上自己儿女的步伐:...

this year, Dragon Boat Festival "by" father's day, for the previous tepid father's Day is also a lively. We take advantage of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, go home to take to accompany his father one day, his care over the decades to Thanksgiving, table filial piety! Guangzhou Ming "Lord I want to eat this" wish you the game player, you two happy fathers, round and round! In fact, the small series also contact a lot of elders, understand that they have been unable to keep up with the pace of their own children:...