新关注 > 信息聚合 > 华东理工大学拟招3900人 承诺进档不退

华东理工大学拟招3900人 承诺进档不退

East China University of science and industry and trade university intends to hire 3900 people commitment into the files back in East China, sina

2015-05-22 20:43:20来源: 新浪

华东理工大学[微博]招办主任项延训老师 华东理工大学招办主任项延训老师(左)做客新浪 华东理工大学为特色鲜明、多学科协调发展的研究型全国重点大学,形成了完整的学士、硕士、博士三级高层次人才培养...

East China University [microblogging] admissions director Xiang Yanxun teacher and university admissions director Xiang Yanxun teacher (left) guest Sina East China University of science and technology for the distinctive features, research subjects to coordinate the development of the national key universities, forming a complete bachelor's, master's and doctoral level three high-level personnel training.