新关注 > 信息聚合 > 校足办举办管理人员培训班 江阴制定三年行动规划

校足办举办管理人员培训班 江阴制定三年行动规划

The school football for management personnel training courses in Jiangyin for three years action plan

2015-03-22 23:50:33来源: 新浪

全国青少年校园足球行政管理人员和校长第二期培训班江苏省江阴市举行 新浪体育讯 3月20日-21日,全国青少年校园足球行政管理人员和校长第二期培训班江苏省江阴市举行,作为校园足球发展的重点城市,江...

national youth campus football administrators and principals of second training class in Jiangsu Province, Jiangyin city held of sina sports dispatch on March 20th -21, held a national youth campus football administrators and principals of second training class in Jiangsu Province, Jiangyin City, as the key city the campus football development, jiang...