新关注 > 信息聚合 > 株洲摩天买华为P8高配公开银色仅3899元


Zhuzhou Ferris to buy Huawei P8 high allocation of public silver only 3899 yuan

2015-05-22 19:53:28来源: 中关村在线

【湖南长沙市手机行情】华为P8采用了海思麒麟 935真八核处理器,配3GB RAM+64GB ROM,支持双卡双通,搭载了AndroidOS 5.0操作系统,整机运行流畅。 目前该款机器在商家“株...

[of Changsha City, Hunan Province, China mobile phone market] Huawei P8 the Hass Unicorn 935 is really an eight core processors, with 3gb RAM+64GB ROM, support for dual card dual pass, equipped with the androidos 5.0 operating system and the machine running smooth flow. At present, the machine in the business of the machine...