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奇才正式解雇惠特曼 KD昔日恩师成继任热门

The Wizards officially dismissed Whitman KD as the successor to the popular former mentor

2016-04-15 02:48:26来源: 新浪

奇才前主帅惠特曼 新浪体育讯 北京时间4月15日,据ESPN报道,本赛季常规赛刚刚结束,由于华盛顿奇才队在近三年里首次无缘季后赛,他们宣布正式解雇了主帅兰迪-惠特曼。 “鉴于我们在过去两年的...

Wizards coach Whitman of sina sports news Beijing time on April 15, according to ESPN, the regular season just ended, due to the Washington Wizards in the last three years for the first time in the playoffs, they announced officially fired coach Randy Wittman. "In the last two years...