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水友催泪长文:落幕于剑盾 来年再见ZSMJ

Water friends tear Ban Ki Moon: ended Yu Jiandun again next year ZSMJ

2015-05-28 20:02:03来源: 游久网

看到马甲又倒在TI门口,心里很不是滋味,或是遗憾或是伤感,总想写什么但憋不出什么字,到了今天看到大家各式各样的帖子,有对甲鱼遗憾的,有序曲甲鱼的,忽然有些感慨,想与大家分享! ZSMJ何人?鹊起...

see vest and down in front of the Ti, the in the mind is not the taste, or regret or sorrow, always want to write what but could not suppress what word, today we see all kinds of post, of soft shelled turtle regret, soft shelled turtle Overture, suddenly feeling some, want to share with you! ZSMJ himself?...