新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京张高铁今年开工建设 八达岭越岭段最先动工

京张高铁今年开工建设 八达岭越岭段最先动工

Zhang Jing high-speed rail this year started construction in Badaling to start the first

2015-03-09 05:17:01来源: 中国新闻网

北京铁路局常务副局长朱惠刚昨日向北京青年报记者透露,备受关注的京张高铁今年将开工建设。 京张高铁原定2009年8月开工,但因铁道部调整高铁建设方案等种种原因,建设一直停滞。去年11月,京张高铁八...

Zhu Huigang yesterday to the Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Jing concern, high-speed rail will start construction this year. Zhang Jing high-speed rail was scheduled for 2009 August to start, but because the railway ministry adjustment High-speed Rail construction scheme of all sorts of reasons, the building has been stagnant. In November last year, Zhang Jing high-speed rail eight...