新关注 > 信息聚合 > 吴曦否认已草签恒大:目前只专注舜天和国足比赛


Wuxi has denied initialed Hengda: currently only attention sainty and national football game

2015-06-11 21:05:30来源: 新浪

吴曦辟谣已草签恒大 新浪体育讯 北京时间6月11日,广州某媒体爆料称舜天阵中国脚吴曦已与恒大草签即将加盟,不过今天吴曦在接受央视采访时,对此传闻明确表示了否认,吴曦坦言目前自己的任务就是打好舜天和国家队的比赛。 这个赛季,关于多家中超、中甲俱乐部求购吴曦的消息就一直没有停过,今天...

Wuxi rumor has initialed Hengda of sina sports dispatch Beijing time on June 11, a Guangzhou media broke the news that Shun to Chinese foot Wuxi has Hengda initialed will join, but Wuxi today in an interview with CCTV. This rumor expressly denied. Wuxi said the his task is to make good sainty and national team matches. This season, about the number of super, the club buy Wu Xi message has never stopped, today...