新关注 > 信息聚合 > 爱情测试:爱情幻想和现实差多少?(图)


Love test: fantasy and reality how much worse? (Fig.)

2015-03-20 12:49:50来源: 新浪

爱情幻想和现实差多少? 独家撰稿人:十二单衣 星座频道征稿征集令 有时我们自己也搞不清楚,为什么我们的最终选择与意想中的结果竟相差那么远。文静的女生为什么喜欢粗旷的异性?热情似火的女子为什么偏爱文弱才子?你清楚自己潜意识里想找个什么样的另一半吗?完成以下测试,答案就一目了然啦! ...

love fantasy and reality how? The sole contributor: Twelve unlined channels collect the contributions the constellation we sometimes wondered, why the final choice and intent of our results differ unexpectedly so far. Quiet girl why like rugged heterosexual? Passionate woman why prefer weak talent? You know your subconscious to find what kind of the other half? Complete the following test, the answer is stick out a mile! ...