新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新闻1+1》:器官转运,仅是道路需要打通吗?


"News 1+1": organ transport, only the road need to get through it?

2016-05-11 03:43:20来源: 中国新闻网

《新闻1+1》:器官转运,仅是道路需要打通吗? 关键词:董倩 国家人体器官捐献与移植委员会主任 黄洁夫 湖北武汉 武汉市公安局江汉区交通大队警务段警长 付勇 武汉协和医院心外科主任 董念国 江苏 ...

"News 1+1": organ transport, only the road need to get through it? Keywords: Dongqian countries, human organ donation and Transplantation Committee Director Huang Jiefu Jianghan District Wuhan City, Hubei Wuhan Public Security Bureau Fuyong battalion of the traffic police section chief of Wuhan Xiehe Hospital heart surgical director of Dong Nianguo Jiangsu...