新关注 > 信息聚合 > 五月重炮! 《敢达OL》两大重击扭蛋登场!

五月重炮! 《敢达OL》两大重击扭蛋登场!

Heavy artillery in May! "Dare to OL" two big twisted egg!

2016-05-11 22:25:57来源: 天极网


In may the weather is getting hot, you dare to powder and also waiting for the players? The mobile suit gundam OL for fellow players, summer has a surprise in web twisted egg machine introduced two new type blow the body: dare to try for 3 machine (critical equipment) and bela dieter (critical equipment). Besides, there are also dare to try for 3 machine (hit), plus bela dieter, hurricane kars. Like the...