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红酒用碱水并不能测出真假 选购最好看准品牌

Lye can not be measured and buy the best brand

2015-10-13 05:02:13来源: 新浪

假红酒用碱水能测出来?没那么神! 新京报讯 (记者李婷婷)很多人都钟情红酒,不同类型红酒的“身价”差距也很大,高则几万元,低则十几元。但廉价红酒的真假也让不少市民疑惑。 近日,一则“很多红酒...

spotted the fake wine with alkaline water can be measured out of red wine? Not so god! Beijing News (reporter Li Tingting) a lot of people are in love with red wine, different types of red wine, the gap is also great, a few million high, low, more than a dozen yuan. But the true and false of cheap wine also let many people doubt. Recently, a lot of red wine...