新关注 > 信息聚合 > 言承旭陪阿姨看骨科 戴帽子口罩低调现身(图)

言承旭陪阿姨看骨科 戴帽子口罩低调现身(图)

Jerry accompany aunt orthopedic wear hats and masks low-key appearance (Figure)

2015-06-23 09:18:30来源: 中国新闻网

中新网6月23日电 据台湾“中国时报”即时消息,22日下午3点多,言承旭被目击到台湾中山医院骨科门诊,随行有3位女性。当天,他穿着白色T恤、黑长裤,虽然戴了帽子、口罩,但还是让等待看诊的人认出。言承...

in new network on June 23, according to Taiwan's "China Times" instant messaging, 22, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Jerry was witnessed to Taiwan Zhongshan Hospital Outpatient Department of orthopedics, accompanied by three women. On that day, he was wearing a white T-shirt, black pants, although wearing a hat, masks, but still let people waiting to see the diagnosis. Language commitment...