新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一个穴位缓解口臭便秘


A point alleviate halitosis and constipation Sina

2015-09-05 07:49:10来源: 新浪

受访专家/广州中医药大学第一附属医院康复中心主任 林国华 文/羊城晚报记者 陈辉 通讯员 张秋霞 口臭,又称“口气”,是指口腔中散发出难闻异味。生活中有很多人或多或少地存在口气问题,患有口臭...

interviewed experts / Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine First Affiliated Hospital Rehabilitation Center Director Guohua Wen / Yangcheng Evening News reporter correspondent Chen Hui Zhang Qiuxia halitosis, also known as the "tone" refers to the oral exudes an unpleasant odor. There are a lot of people in the life more or less in the problem of breath, suffering from bad breath...