新关注 > 信息聚合 > 定了!C罗正式公开新女友 手搭迷你罗甜如蜜|图

定了!C罗正式公开新女友 手搭迷你罗甜如蜜|图

Set! C Luo officially opened his new girlfriend hand Mini Luo sweet as honey

2017-01-10 06:25:06来源: 新浪

C罗携女友儿子甜蜜合影 新浪体育讯 今晚举行的FIFA年度颁奖盛典可谓是星光熠熠,各大巨星齐聚一堂,而皇马球星C罗和他的新女友乔治娜无疑是众多大牌中间最为耀眼的,这是C罗首次在正式场合携自己的新...

C Luo son carrying his girlfriend sweet photo of sina sports tonight at the FIFA annual awards ceremony is a star, the stars gathered, and the Real Madrid star C Ronaldo and his new girlfriend Georgina is undoubtedly the most dazzling among many big, this is C Ronaldo for the first time in the official occasions with their new...