新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王千源:演喜剧是把自己喜剧化的部分放大夸张


Ms: comedy is enlarged part of the comedy

2017-01-09 21:05:45来源: 大众网

大众网娱乐 在影视圈,王千源提供了一个大器晚成的范本:从众多的小人物配角,到突然凭借一部文艺电影获封“影帝”,之后仿佛小高潮缓缓回落,他仍旧在许多大片中甘当配角。但有趣的是,他出演明朝锦衣卫、战争年...

The public network entertainment In the film, she provides a = model: from many small people supporting to suddenly with a literary film won the "best actor", as if small climax after slowly fell, he was still in a lot of big ball in a supporting role. But the funny thing is, he starred in the Ming dynasty security, war...