新关注 > 信息聚合 > 泰国法身寺举办僧侣苦行活动 僧侣绕圈行走场面壮..

泰国法身寺举办僧侣苦行活动 僧侣绕圈行走场面壮..

Thailand indicating the temple monks austerities activities Walk around monks were strong..

2016-01-24 17:22:06来源: 国际在线


Indicating the temple will be regularly held in Thailand monks asceticism, thousands of monks from dharmakaya, temple, walk to get back in the temple, after multiple mansion during people's spilled the petals pave on the side of the road for the monks walk, then tread monks, petals in the home in the plant POTS, to represent peace. This year, indicating the temple of the bitter...