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创行业奇迹 疆域无人机众筹刷新世界纪录

Gen industry miracle All territory drones raise set a new world record

2016-03-14 18:38:22来源: 中关村在线

3月13日,有“国内消费级第一无人机”之称的疆域智能 Hornet S无人机淘宝众筹活动已经圆满结束,总金额达到了创纪录的2921万,超额筹集2921%,支持人数达到可观的147089人,超过之前Z...

On March 13, has "the first unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) domestic consumption level," said the territory intelligent Hornet S uav taobao raise activity has ended, the total amount to a record 29.21 million, excess raise by 2921%, to reach substantial support 147089 people, more than before the Z...

标签: 众筹