新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女神进军众筹:范冰冰携阿里娱乐宝推手游


The goddess to enter the congregation raised: Fan Bingbing and Ali entertainment treasure hand tour

2015-04-05 11:31:52来源: 亿邦动力网

近日,范冰冰联合娱乐宝正式推出第一款C2B众筹游戏《范冰冰魔范学院》,游戏研发主要由掌上纵横负责。 据了解,《范冰冰魔范学院》是阿里娱乐宝合作的首款明星定制类游戏,基于范冰冰的粉丝号召力以及娱乐宝的开放平台。 范冰冰在现场坦言:“第一次做游戏的监制,感觉很兴奋,也有一点小紧张,这个游戏...

Fan Bingbing recently, with entertainment treasure officially launched the first C2B all the chips game magic fan academy "Fan Bingbing", the game development is mainly composed of a pocket aspect is responsible for. It is understood that, "Fan Bingbing magic fan academy" is the first star custom game Ali entertainment treasure cooperation, Fan Bingbing fans as well as entertainment treasure open platform based on. Fan Bingbing at the scene said: "the first game producer, I feel very excited, but also a little nervous, this game...

标签: 手游 众筹