新关注 > 信息聚合 > CDPR开启《巫师:浪人》特制版漫画众筹 捐助者可得精美赠品

CDPR开启《巫师:浪人》特制版漫画众筹 捐助者可得精美赠品

Cdpr opens the special cartoon of Wizard: ronin, and crowdfunding donors can get exquisite gifts

2021-09-08 16:59:57来源: 游戏时光

CD Projekt Red 最近开启了《巫师》系列衍生漫画《巫师:浪人》(The Witcher: Ronin)的 Kickstarter 众筹。《巫师:浪人》是一部原创漫画。故事的舞台设定在古代日本,斩妖者杰洛特必须冒险穿越这片妖怪出没的土地,同时追查神秘「雪女」的下落。CDPR 在公告中表示,《巫师:浪人》的主体内容已经完成,此次众筹是为了发行这篇漫画的特制收藏版。特制版除了收录主线故事,还包含有3个短篇漫画与幕后内容。此外捐助者还能得到其它精美赠品,首日支持者可以获得一款 12 厘米规格的微缩模型,模型展示了杰洛特与致命天狗战斗的场景。截至发稿前,《巫师:浪人》项目已筹得资金将近 300 万元。来源:CDPR/Kickstarter

CD Projekt red recently launched KickStarter crowdfunding for the wizard series derivative cartoon the Witch: ronin. Wizard: ronin is an original cartoon. The stage of the story is set in ancient Japan. Gelot, the demon beheader, must venture through the land haunted by monsters and trace the whereabouts of the mysterious "snow girl". Cdpr said in the announcement that the main content of "Wizard: ronin" has been completed. This crowdfunding is to release a special collection version of this cartoon. In addition to the main story, the special edition also contains three short comics and behind the scenes content. In addition, donors can also get other exquisite gifts. On the first day, supporters can get a 12 cm miniature model, which shows the scene of jerot fighting the deadly skydog. As of press time, nearly 3 million yuan had been raised for the "Wizard: ronin" project. Source: cdpr / KickStarter

标签: 众筹