新关注 > 信息聚合 > 众筹后5年,几经拖延的掌机Smach Z还是失败了

众筹后5年,几经拖延的掌机Smach Z还是失败了

Five years after crowdfunding, smach Z, which had been delayed several times, still failed

2021-05-17 15:00:00来源: 触乐

现在的玩家真的很幸福。无论是GPD、AYA,还是ONEXPLAYER,厂商们用上了小巧而强劲的新型芯片,真的做出来了可靠的PC掌机,让玩家实现了随时玩3A大作的梦想。只不过在这些产品走入寻常百姓家的同时,Steam掌机Smach Z的团队悄然宣布,他们的项目失败了。这款曾有可能成为第一台PC掌机的设备,如今已是南柯一梦。 Smach Z的造型在公布时还是很惊艳的 想在掌机上玩和家用机、PC一样的游戏,一直以来都是玩家们的“幻想”——因为在以前,这基本上是不可能的。在AYA和GPD这些成功的后来者之前,早在2014年,就有团队号称要做一台叫做SteamBoy的掌机了。开发团队希望推出一款能让玩家随时随地玩Steam游戏的掌机,项目名称后来几经更改,最终定为Sma

Now the players are really happy. Whether it's GPD, Aya, or onexplayer, manufacturers have used small and powerful new chips to really make reliable PC handsets, enabling players to realize their dream of playing 3A at any time. However, as these products entered the homes of ordinary people, the team of steam smach Z quietly announced that their project had failed. This device, which may have become the first PC handset, is now a dream of Nanke.

标签: 众筹