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《乌鸦降临》众筹集资1300万 半人马英雄视频曝光

The crow comes "to raise public funds 13 million Centaur hero video exposure to foreign media news Sina

2015-06-17 17:09:35来源: 新浪

来自国外媒体的消息,自《乌鸦降临》公布众筹活动以来,已经累积获得了来自玩家的200万美元的集资款,有超过1万9千名玩家为这款游戏贡献了自己的一份力。 而就在今天,游戏开发者还公布了一系列的全新视频,对游戏中的英雄“半人马军团士兵”和不少的游戏机制进行了介绍。 在视频中,这款游戏的...

. Since the crow comes" announced to raise public activities, has accumulated from the players $200 million in funds, has more than 1 million nine thousand players for this game contribution to a force of its own. And just today, the game developer also announced a series of new video, the game hero, the semi Army Corps soldiers and a lot of game mechanisms were introduced. In the video, this game...

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