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The content repair update of Portia time host edition is now available

2021-09-08 18:02:51来源: 游戏时光

开发商帕斯亚科技旗下模拟经营游戏《波西亚时光》自 2019 年 1 月以来便有着不错的销量和口碑,不过本作主机版的进度却比 PC 版慢了不少,官方今日(9 月 8 日)正式推出了主机版游戏的大型更新,修复了大量 bug 的同时还将加入了 Steam 平台率先更新的大部分内容。《波西亚时光》PS4、Xbox One、Switch 版发售后一直有着不太如人意的游戏表现,不仅 bug 繁多,后续更新也没有跟上,实际上开发商重新找了一家乌克兰移植团队重头开始了三个主机平台的移植工作,终于完成了数十项 bug 的修复以及游戏优化工作,在未来的更新当中官方还将继续优化《波西亚时光》的游戏体验。与此同时帕斯亚还宣布《波西亚时光》在 Steam 上迎来了二五折的史低折扣,国区售价仅 24 元。此外落后于 Steam/WeGam

The simulation game "Portia time" under the developer Pasia technology has had good sales and reputation since January 2019. However, the progress of the host version of this work is much slower than that of the PC version. The official officially launched a large-scale update of the host version of the game today (September 8), While fixing a large number of bugs, it will also add most of the content first updated by steam platform. The PS4, Xbox one and switch versions of Portia time have always had unsatisfactory game performance since they were released. Not only are there many bugs, but subsequent updates have not kept up. In fact, the developer has found a Ukrainian migration team to start the migration of three host platforms again, and finally completed the repair of dozens of bugs and game optimization, In future updates, the official will continue to optimize the game experience of Portia time. At the same time, Pasia also announced that "time of Portia" has ushered in a 25% historical low discount on steam, and the price in the country and region is only 24 yuan. In addition, it lags behind steam / wegam