新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《孤岛惊魂6》游戏概要宣传片公布,10月7日正式发售


The promotional video of "lonely island 6" was released and officially went on sale on October 7

2021-09-09 08:37:40来源: 游戏时光

育碧放出了《孤岛惊魂6》的游戏概要宣传片,介绍了本作的剧情背景、盟友团体、新增系统、开放世界可玩要素等特性。本作将于 10 月 7 日正式登陆 Xbox Series X|S、Xbox One、PS5、PS4 以及 PC 平台,支持次世代免费升级。视频地址

Ubisoft released the game summary promotional film of "lonely island thriller 6", which introduces the plot background, alliance groups, new systems, open world playable elements and other characteristics of the work. This work will be officially launched on Xbox series x|s, Xbox one, ps5, PS4 and PC platforms on October 7, supporting free upgrade of the next generation. Video address

标签: 游戏