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Sie acquires firesprite developer to explore deeper hardware potential

2021-09-09 09:12:37来源: 游戏时光

SIE 宣布现已正式收购了开发商 Firesprite,将其纳为自家旗下的第 14 间第一方工作室,该工作室将继续探索 PlayStation 主机更深层次的硬件潜力,打造非传统的游戏体验。Firesprite 工作室的总部位于英国利物浦,成立于 2012 年,其中的开发者大多来自原 SIE 利物浦工作室(代表作《反重力赛车》)。Firesprite 工作室一直以来都与 SIE 有着合作:该工作室曾协助开发 PS4 自带的《The Playroom》、PS VR 的《虚拟现实游戏空间》、PSV 的《麻布仔快跑》等作品,SIE 则曾为 Firesprite 的原创作品《无尽轮回》提供支持。来源:PS Blog

Sie announced that it has officially acquired firesprite, the developer, as its 14th first-party studio. The studio will continue to explore the deeper hardware potential of the Playstation host and create a non-traditional game experience. Firesprite studio, headquartered in Liverpool, UK, was founded in 2012. Most of its developers are from the original Sie Liverpool studio (representative work "anti gravity racing"). Firesprite studio has always cooperated with Sie: the studio has assisted in the development of PS4's own playroom, PS VR's virtual reality game space, PSV's Hemp boy run, and Sie has supported firesprite's original work endless reincarnation. Source: PS blog