新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤 先锋》多人模式新预告公开,beta测试即将开始

《使命召唤 先锋》多人模式新预告公开,beta测试即将开始

The new preview of "call of duty pioneer" multiplayer mode is open, and the beta test is about to begin

2021-09-08 14:26:17来源: 游戏时光

开发商 Sledgehammer Games 今日发布了《使命召唤:先锋》的多人游戏预告片和截图,介绍了游戏玩法及公开 beta 测试的详情。视频地址 据官网介绍,本作多人模式上线首日将推出传统玩法的 16 张地图、冠军之岭 4 张地图。系列传统的团队死斗、击杀确认、占领战和搜索与摧毁等传统模式将在本作回归。 此外,本作还会推出另一个全新的游戏模式「巡逻」。这个目标导向的游戏模式以据点战作为基础,得分区域会不断改变位置,如果特战兵想要替所属队伍累积分数,就必须随著巡逻点不断在地图的各个地方移动。 《使命召唤:先锋》将推出全新的战斗节

& nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Developer sledgehammer games today released the multiplayer game trailer and screenshot of call of Duty: pioneer, introducing the game playing method and public & amp; nbsp; beta& nbsp; Details of the test. Video address & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; According to the official website, 16 maps of traditional playing methods and 4 maps of champion ridge will be launched on the first day of launching the multiplayer mode. A series of traditional modes such as team dead fight, kill confirmation, occupation war and search and destruction will return in this work& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; In addition, another new game mode "patrol" will be introduced. This goal oriented game mode is based on stronghold warfare. The scoring area will constantly change its position. If special combat soldiers want to accumulate points for their team, they must move around the map with the patrol point& amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; & amp; nbsp; Call of Duty: Pioneer will launch a new battle Festival