新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《死亡搁浅 导演剪辑版》终极预告片公开,小岛秀夫亲自剪辑

《死亡搁浅 导演剪辑版》终极预告片公开,小岛秀夫亲自剪辑

The final Trailer of the director's editing version of death stranding was made public, and Hideo Oshima edited it himself

2021-09-08 15:22:03来源: 游戏时光

小岛工作室刚刚公开了《死亡搁浅 导演剪辑版》的终极预告片,该预告片由小岛秀夫执导并剪辑。视频地址《死亡搁浅 导演剪辑版》将于 2021 年 9 月 24 日登陆 PS5 平台,在原版游戏的基础上加入了全新剧情任务、战斗桥段、装备、建筑、靶场、竞速模式、在线要素等大量新要素,支持自适应扳机、3D 音效及 60 帧游玩等特性。拥有 PS4 版《死亡搁浅》的玩家可以花费 10 美元将游戏升级为 PS5 版的《死亡搁浅 导演剪辑版 豪华版》。

The island studio has just released the final Trailer of the director's editing version of death stranding, which is directed and edited by Xiufu Kojima. The video address "dead stranded director's editing version" will land on the ps5 platform on September 24, 2021. On the basis of the original game, it has added a large number of new elements such as new plot tasks, combat bridges, equipment, architecture, shooting range, racing mode and online elements, and supports features such as adaptive trigger, 3D sound effect and 60 frame play. Players who own the PS4 version of "death stranding" can spend $10 to upgrade the game to the ps5 version of "death stranding director editing Deluxe Edition".