新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《三国杀》Steam版2021年11月解锁


The steam version of the killing of the Three Kingdoms was unlocked in November 2021

2021-09-08 11:36:28来源: 游戏时光

《三国杀》将在 2021 年 11 月推出 Steam 版,届时本体可以免费获取,商店页面现已上线。《三国杀》是一款以三国为背景的卡牌对战桌游,诞生于2008年,最初仅为包含标准版的实体卡牌,后来逐渐增加了风林火山、军争篇等扩展包,玩法得到进一步丰富。上架 Steam 的版本采用的是《三国杀十周年》版本,包含了身份局、国战、欢乐成双等玩法,还有全新的PvE玩法——武将列传,玩家将可自由选择势力,既可以加入诸侯联军反抗董卓,也可以加入孙刘联军赢下赤壁之战,或者帮助孔明逆天改命。除武将列传的PvE玩法外,还有天书乱斗、逐鹿天下等。现在前往活动帖子参与加愿望单活动还有机会获得主题抱枕和京东卡。详情请点击下方活动帖链接查看:【福利】《三国杀》上线Steam,晒愿望单参与抽奖

The steam version of "Three Kingdoms kill" will be launched in November 2021. At that time, the ontology can be obtained for free, and the store page is now online《 "Kill the Three Kingdoms" is a card game against the Three Kingdoms. It was born in 2008. At first, it only included the standard version of physical cards. Later, it gradually added expansion packages such as Fenglin volcano and military competition, and its playing methods were further enriched. The version of steam on the shelves is the version of the 10th anniversary of the killing of the Three Kingdoms, which includes the playing methods of identity Bureau, national war and happy pairing, as well as the new PVE playing method - Biography of generals. Players will be free to choose forces. They can join the alliance of princes against Dong Zhuo, join the alliance of sun and Liu to win the battle of Chibi, or help Kong Ming change his life against the sky. In addition to the PVE playing methods handed down by generals, there are also Tianshu chaotic fighting, chasing the world and so on. Now go to the activity post to participate in the wish list activity, and have the opportunity to get the theme pillow and JD card. For details, please click the activity post link below to view: [welfare] "Three Kingdoms kill" online steam, publish the wish list and participate in the lucky draw

标签: Steam