新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015海峡两岸青少年新媒体文创论坛在厦门开幕(组..


2015 cross-strait youth new media writing a forum in Xiamen opening (group..

2015-06-14 21:36:16来源: 人民网

论坛开幕现场,两岸微电影、互联网等新媒体行业的专家学者、青年代表齐聚一堂(霍亮摄) 原标题:2015海峡两岸青少年新媒体文创论坛在厦门开幕 国际在线消息(记者 霍亮):今天(14日)下午,由...

forum opening scene, micro film on both sides, the Internet and other new media industry experts and scholars, youth representatives gathered in a hall (Huo Liang photo) original title: 2015 cross-strait youth new media creative Forum opened in Xiamen International online news (reporter Huo Liang): today (14) afternoon, the...