新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《爸爸回来了》卡通形象涉嫌侵权 浙江卫视、搜狐..

《爸爸回来了》卡通形象涉嫌侵权 浙江卫视、搜狐..

"Dad came back" the prosecution of alleged infringement of Zhejiang satellite TV, Sohu..

2015-05-20 18:16:46来源: 法制网


cartoon image according to the Fujian Golden Leopard Animation Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Golden Leopard animation), the company in 2009, according to the Chinese character for "embarrassing" created "jonjon embarrassed embarrassed" series of cartoon image, and continued to build. But Zhejiang satellite TV without permission on its production of the parent child variety program without permission...