新关注 > 信息聚合 > 众男神被恶搞发福照 金秀贤吴彦祖李敏镐皆中枪

众男神被恶搞发福照 金秀贤吴彦祖李敏镐皆中枪

All the male god spoof fat as Kim Su Hyon Daniel Wu Lee Min Ho were shot in the

2014-05-21 05:52:41来源: 华龙网

李敏镐被恶搞PS发福照 日前有网友PS了一组男明星的“发福”照,当金秀贤、李敏镐这些长腿欧巴长出了肚腩,他们还会是众少女心中的那个男神吗?

Lee Min Ho spoof PS fat as recently the netizen PS a group of male star of the "fat" as, when Kim Su Hyon, Lee Min Ho the Longshanks Obama long out of the belly, they will also be the male god all the hearts of young girls?