新关注 > 信息聚合 > 女人宫寒 易惹9种健康问题

女人宫寒 易惹9种健康问题

Woman winter palace easily lead to nine kinds of health problems

2013-08-20 20:52:54来源: 太平洋女性网

简单4步诊断宫寒: 1、望――经血颜色黯黑、白带色白清稀,面色黯黑或苍白无华,舌色黯淡,舌苔白而且水滑。 2、闻――白带有腥味。 3、问――痛经、黄褐斑、性冷、月经延期甚至闭经、腰膝酸冷、四肢不温。 4、触――小腹温度较低。 宫寒的危害: 1、宫寒是手脚冰凉的根源...

simple four-step diagnosis winter palace: 1, Hope - color Anhei blood, vaginal discharge is white A thin, pale complexion Anhei or minimalist, dark-colored tongue, white fur and water slide . 2, smell - white with a smell. 3, Q - dysmenorrhea, melasma, sexual cold, delayed menstruation or amenorrhea, weak acid cold, limbs not warm. 4, touch - the lower abdomen lower temperature. Hazard winter palace: 1, cold hands and feet cold palace is the root cause of ...