新关注 > 信息聚合 > 文根英朴信惠张根水韩国童星谁变美谁长残?


Moon Geun Young Park Shin Hye Zhang Genshui, child actor who became South Korea beauty who long residual?

2014-05-14 19:12:05来源: 新蓝网

核心提示:文根英上小学时就立志上演艺学校,但妈妈断然反对,小时候的文根英清秀可爱。 文根英上小学时就立志上演艺学校,但妈妈断然反对。后来赶上金大中竞选总统,妈妈自认金大中当选可能性不大,就说“如...

core tip: Moon Geun Young primary school determined on the performing arts school, but the mother flatly rejected, young Moon Geun Young handsome lovely. Moon Geun Young primary school is determined to acting school, but the mother flatly rejected. Then catch the Kim Dae-jung presidential campaign, Kim Dae-jung was elected as the mother who is unlikely, he said "such as...