新关注 > 信息聚合 > 看衡水政务的智慧蜕变:从这里走向世界


See the wisdom of hengshui e-government transformation: from here to the world

2016-07-25 15:05:24来源: IT168

【IT168 评论】衡水市是河北省下辖的一个地级市,位于河北省东南部,自然资源较贫乏,是一个传统的农业市,属于经济欠发达地区,工业化起步时间不长,信息基础较薄弱。然而,就是这样一个不起眼的城市,却突...

IT168 comments 】 【 hengshui city is a city of hebei province, located in the southeast of hebei province, is poor in natural resources, is a traditional agricultural city, belong to economic less developed areas, industrialization start time is not long, because of the weak information basis. However, this is a small city, but tu...