新关注 > 信息聚合 > 接诊医生无处方权超范围诊疗 宁海一卫生室被查处

接诊医生无处方权超范围诊疗 宁海一卫生室被查处

Doctors without ninghai ChuFangQuan beyond diagnosis and clinic was investigated

2017-03-23 11:51:48来源: 中国宁波网

日前,县卫生和计划生育局接群众举报,称宁海某卫生室超范围经营妇科等科目,要求查处。 当日下午卫生计生行政执法人员对被举报的卫生室进行了现场监督检查,发现经营者已取得《医疗机构执业许可证》,诊疗科...

Recently, the county public health and family planning bureau, said ninghai a clinic subjects such as, make management of department of gynaecology requirements is investigated. The afternoon health family planning administrative law enforcement is to report the clinic for the site supervision and inspection, found that the operator has to obtain the "practice license of medical institution", medical department...