新关注 > 信息聚合 > 因母亲不给钱买游戏机 17岁少年竟放火烧房子

因母亲不给钱买游戏机 17岁少年竟放火烧房子

Because mother does not give money to buy game machine 17 year old teenager unexpectedly put fire house

2015-09-22 11:41:42来源: 新浪

向母亲要钱买游戏机遭拒,17岁少年竟直接点火烧衣服,结果引燃房子。近日,该少年被慈溪法院以放火罪判处有期徒刑9个月,缓刑1年6个月。 今年已经17岁的奇奇(化名),是个高中生,父母在他小学时就离了婚,他一直跟着父亲生活。5月中旬,奇奇去看母亲,向母亲提出要1000元钱买游戏机。母亲没...

to his mother for money to buy game machine rejected, a 17-year-old actually direct ignition burning of the clothes, the pilot house. Recently, the teenager was Cixi court sentenced to arson and sentenced to 9 months imprisonment, suspended for 6 years and 1 months. This year has been 17 year old Kiki (a pseudonym), is a high school student, his parents in his primary school divorced, he has been living with his father. In mid May, Kiki went to see his mother, the mother raised 1000 yuan to buy a game machine. Mother did not...

标签: 游戏