新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017安徽省上半年中小学教师资格考试笔试时间


2017 written examination time for primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination in the first half of Anhui

2017-01-08 15:59:00来源: 中公教育

安徽中公教育为您提供安徽省教师招聘信息,备考资料。 在线咨询QQ,了解更多资讯请加入安徽省教师招聘考试学习交流QQ群。 考试科目及日程安排 2017年上半年中小学教师资格考试(笔试)日程安排表...

Anhui Zhong Gong education provides you with information about the recruitment of teachers in Anhui. Consult QQ online for more information. Please join the Anhui teacher recruitment examination to learn QQ group. Examination subjects and schedule. Schedule for primary and secondary school teacher qualification examination (written examination) in the first half of 2017.