新关注 > 信息聚合 > 新零售餐饮对决再现:口碑如何阻击新美大扩张?


New retail food fight: word of mouth how to block new big expansion?

2018-01-31 09:30:00来源: 品途网


1. The life consumption of online platform war did not die on September 27, 2017, in Meituan reviews of restaurants boss have received SMS a wording was tough, asking them to "must be canceled before 6 PM and cooperation by word of mouth". "A choice" in the shop and restaurant O2O sector is not fresh, but new big the finger to the word of mouth. On September 12, 2017, word of mouth independent App in each big application market is launched, flow entrance to retain both the alipay level, another hand clean out bargain, local coupons to word of mouth of diversion. Based on ali's traffic ecological reputation, delivery business by hungry to undertake, the shop can plug in drops travel service, travel business links to the flying pigs, film ticket is diverting to tao polarizer and so on. And most let new big mind at rest, the breakthrough of word of mouth with food and beverage (...