新关注 > 信息聚合 > 邢台联通抗洪抢险纪实之一——兵贵神速


One of xingtai unicom fighting and documentary, the soldier's asset

2016-07-25 16:04:34来源: 中国信息产业网

7月19日,河北邢台遭遇今年入汛以来最强降水极端天气,单日降雨量达到1963年以来的最高值。受特大暴雨影响,河北邢台联通基站受损、设备阻断、杆路损毁、西部山区光缆全部中断。 灾情就是命令,汛情就是...

On July 19, the hebei xingtai into the strongest since sin precipitation extreme weather this year, daily rainfall reached the highest level since 1963. Influenced by the rainstorm, the hebei xingtai unicom base station is damaged, the equipment blocking, rod road damage, the western mountains all cable break. The disaster is the command, flood is...