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北美外教跨洋网上授课 VIPKID凭什么做到最佳体验?

North American teachers transatlantic online teaching VIPKID with what do best?

2017-12-12 14:26:40来源: DoNews

随着互联网的高速发展,在线教育飞入百姓家,越来越多的家长为小朋友们报名在线英语学习课程,让孩子不受时空限制随时随地学习的同时,享受全球优质的教育资源。与传统课堂相比,在线学习、尤其是网上实时学习对技术要求很高,一旦出现延迟、卡顿,小朋友们的学习效果将大打折扣。如何才能保证孩子们最好的学习体验?VIPKID给出了答案。作为全球领先的在线少儿英语教育企业,VIPKID将技术创新与在线教育深度融合,打造具有行业示范意义的在线教室,让老师和学生的实时在线交流更顺畅。兼顾流畅与趣味性 技术助推个性化教育“从孩子登陆在线教室,到完成整个教学,我们都始终都陪伴左右,保证网络和设备顺畅,让孩子专注高效地学习”...

With the rapid development of Internet, online education into families, more and more parents for the children to sign up online English learning program, let the children not restricted by space-time anytime, anywhere learning at the same time, enjoy a high quality education resources around the world. Compared with the traditional classroom, online study, especially the online real-time learning about technical requirements is very high, once appear delay, caton, the children's learning effect will be discounted. How to guarantee the children the best learning experience? VIPKID gives the answer. As the world's leading online children's English education enterprise, VIPKID fused technology innovation and the depth of online education, makes the industry demonstration significance to the online classroom, the teacher and the students' real-time online communication more smoothly. Both fluent and interesting technology booster personalized education "online from children in the classroom, to complete the whole teaching, we are always accompany the left and right sides, ensure smooth network and equipment, focus children learn efficiently"...