新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《神秘海域4:贼途末路》获SXSW年度游戏奖


The mysterious waters 4: thief way end SXSW game of the year award

2017-03-20 19:28:18来源: 南方网

在近日举办的SXSW 2017游戏大奖颁奖礼上,顽皮狗工作室所推出的《神秘海域4:贼途末路》成为了最大赢家,包揽了包括年度最佳游戏在内的5项大奖。此外,暴雪出品的《守望先锋》获得了4个奖项。 《神秘海域4:贼途末路》和《守望先锋》都是去年颁奖礼上的大热门,其游戏素质可以说是毋庸置疑,...

SXSW 2017 games in recent awards ceremony, naughty dog studios launched by the mysterious sea 4: thief way end "became the biggest winner, won five awards, including game of the year. In addition, blizzard released the watchman pioneer has won four awards. 4: "the mysterious waters thief way end" and "watchman pioneer" awards ceremony last year is big popular, the game quality is there is no doubt that...

标签: 游戏