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发力仙侠市场 《天天爱仙侠》掀ARPG热潮

Force Xian Xia market "love every day Xian Xia" boom lift ARPG

2015-08-20 17:55:08来源: 不凡游戏网

当前游戏市场对IP十分追捧,市面上也出现了越来越多大IP改编的游戏,似乎一款游戏只有依附大IP才能取得成功。大IP的魔咒就真的如此可怕?近期,由游麟网络研发、天拓游戏独代的一款仙侠题材手游《天天爱仙侠》备受热捧,给我们带来了一个小IP突围的成功案例。 游戏玩得多了,对于游戏的题材和玩法...

current game market of IP is very sought after, the market also appeared the more and more big IP adaptation of the game seems to a game dependent only IP to succeed. Big IP curse is really so terrible? Recently, the swim Lin R & D network, tiantuo games alone a Xian Xia hand travel theme "love every day Xian Xia" highly touted, bring us a small IP breakout success stories. Games to play more, for the game's theme and play...