新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一辈子玩它就够了 十大拥有超长寿命的游戏系列

一辈子玩它就够了 十大拥有超长寿命的游戏系列

A lifetime to play it is enough ten have long life game series

2015-08-21 12:40:30来源: 新浪

虽然玩家们追求新奇的游戏,抱怨开发商们一年一度的续作,不过游戏界的常青树确实存在。这些游戏系列甚至跨越了几个不同的游戏时代,从方块像素到3D高清,登陆各种平台,续作众多,让那些昙花一现的作品情何以堪。下面电玩君最为大家介绍游戏史上拥有超长寿命的系列。 太空入侵者 1978年的长廊时代...

although the pursuit of novelty games players complaining that developers have annual sequel, but evergreen tree of the game industry does exist. These series of games even across several different game era, from the starting square pixel to 3D HD, landing a variety of platforms, many sequels, let those works of short-lived feeling why Campbell. The following video game king most of you have a long life span of the game. Space invaders in the corridor of 1978...

标签: 游戏