新关注 > 信息聚合 > 语言天才?哈特的意大利语进步幅度惊人


Language genius? Hart's Italian drastic progress

2016-09-17 14:37:50来源: 华体网

体育9月17日讯 乔-哈特今夏由于得不到瓜帅的信任,租借加盟意甲的都灵队,尽管在首秀犯下低级失误,但他接受采访时表示自己在努力学习意大利语,都灵球迷纷纷给予鼓励。 哈特在发布会上用意大利语说:“大...

Sports on September 17 - Joe hart this summer due to can not get the trust of the handsome, joining on loan in the serie a side torino, although in the first show the low-level mistake, but he said in an interview he study hard in Italian, the supporters are encouraged. Hart said in a conference in Italian "big...