新关注 > 信息聚合 > 摩拜单车指导成立北京共享单车专业委员会 ofo等参会

摩拜单车指导成立北京共享单车专业委员会 ofo等参会

The establishment of the Beijing bicycle bicycle Mobell guide sharing Specialized Committee ofo and other participants

2017-06-04 21:07:59来源: DoNews


Mobell bicycle general manager of North China Xing Lin made an important speech on June 4th news, Beijing Bicycle Industry Association meeting this week, announced the establishment of the Beijing bicycle industry association shared bicycle Specialized Committee. Mobell cycling as vice president of the Beijing Bicycle Industry Association unit, direct care, personally guided bike sharing establishment of Specialized Committee, and the whole bike sharing industry made important instructions and requirements. At the meeting, the general manager of North China bicycle Mobell Xing Lin pointed out that, Beijing city has been at the forefront of the country in terms of bicycle sharing management. Sharing bicycles effectively solves the travel problem of the last kilometer of the general public. It is one of the three major transportation modes in Beijing. Xing Lin stressed the hope of sharing the bicycle industry, from the perspective of development, healthy and orderly competition, and jointly serve the people of Beijing's capital, and promote the industry forward. Ofo, cool cycling, Yongan, blue bicycle, bicycle, bicycle and other colorful Chilean enjoy ten...