新关注 > 信息聚合 > Steam疯狂周三:《天国:拯救》首次折扣 现价198元

Steam疯狂周三:《天国:拯救》首次折扣 现价198元

Steam crazy on Wednesday: "the kingdom of heaven: save current discount price $198 for the first time

2018-05-23 16:00:57来源: 游戏时光

Steam疯狂周三栏目旨在每周三与玩家分享优质、有趣的打折游戏,欢迎大家随时参与其中,推荐自己喜欢的游戏。今年年初的话题游戏《天国:拯救》首次打折,折扣力度20%off,历史新低价198元。感兴趣的朋友可以听听这一期VG聊天室或者看看这篇《天国:拯救》评测再点击购买也不迟~“最棒的《南方公园》”——《南方公园:真理之杖》迎来了历史低价,售价32元。本作表面上是一款回合制战斗的 RPG 游戏,但是期间的所有战斗都需要通过 QTE 施放,战斗节奏紧凑,演出效果夸张爽快。就算是没有接触过《南方公园》系列动画的新玩家也能乐在其中,如果你是《南方公园》的粉丝,那更不能错过这部游戏。有没有想过音游与 Ro...

Steam crazy Wednesday columns to every Wednesday and sharing high-quality, interesting discount game, welcome everybody to participate at any time, to recommend their favorite games. Earlier this year, the topic of the game for the first time the kingdom of heaven: save a discount, 20% off discount strength, new historical low price 198 yuan. Interested friends can listen to the issue of VG chat rooms or see the article "the kingdom of heaven: save" evaluation click buy is not late again ~ "the best" south park "" -" south park: the staff of truth "in history at a low price, price of 32 yuan. This surface is a turn-based combat RPG game, but during all combat need through them cast, combat rhythm is compact, the performance effect of exaggeration. Even without contact with animation "south park" series of new players can enjoy it, if you are a fan of south park, the more can't miss this game. Have you ever thought sound swim with Ro...

标签: Steam