新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阴阳师新式神一目连值得培养吗 一目连培养攻略

阴阳师新式神一目连值得培养吗 一目连培养攻略

Onmyoji being even worth cultivating a new god An item even the training strategy

2016-12-15 12:11:24来源: 新浪

阴阳师新式神一目连值得培养吗 一目连培养攻略 浑身上下都是护盾,各种单体盾群体盾,但说实话虽然是个SSR,并没有特别让人眼前一亮的地方(除了那长长的刘海)。然而毕竟是新出的SSR,式神强度很 高...

Division of Yin and Yang a yard you even worth cultivating a new god even everything about training strategy is a shield, shield, all kinds of monomers shield groups SSR as but the truth is, no special let a person shine at the moment (in addition to the long bang). However, after all, is a new SSR hellspawn strength is very high...