新关注 > 信息聚合 > 河北省人民医院梁巍获全国人文医生荣誉称号


Hebei province people's hospital Liang Wei won the honorary title of national human doctors

2016-07-22 10:14:20来源: 长城网

长城网7月22日讯(记者 何震)记者从河北省人民医院了解到,在刚刚结束的中国医师协会(2016)人文医学年会暨全国卫生系统第十一届走向人文管理高层论坛年会上,该院普外五科/小儿外科主任梁巍教授荣获全...

Great Wall network - July 22 (reporter He Zhen) the reporter understands from hebei province people's hospital, in just after the Chinese medical doctor association (2016) annual meeting and the 11th national health system of the medical humanities to humanistic management top BBS annual meeting, outside the hospital's won all five families/director of pediatric surgery Liang Wei professor...